Membership Form Life MembershipFee : $250.00 (For the spouse add $1.00)Your Name: *Email Address 1:Occupation:Home Address: *Home Number *Mobile Phone: *Father’s Name:Emergency Contact: *Associate Membership-For 2 yearsFee : $50.00 (For the spouse add $1.00)Spouse’s Name:Email Address 2:Occupation:Mailing Address: *Work NumberNative Place in India:Mother’s Name:Emergency Phone#: *Add to email list:YesNoChildren’s Name and Ages:Please give 2 references (Preferably JCLA/JCSC Life Members).Applicant should be Jain or at least one of the parents, should be Jain.Reference 1:Name: *Phone: *Street Address *Reference 2:Name: *Phone: *Address: *Honorary MembershipPlease make checks payable to :Jain Center of Los Angeles.Check #Amount $USDMailing Address:550 S. Hill Street, Suite 1183, Los Angeles, CA 90013-2414By signing below I agree to abide by the rules and regulations of Jain Center of Los Angeles.Signature: *Date: * Submit Form